Produktuaren Deskribapena
Olio betetzeko makina automatikoko teknologia berriak
1. Olioa egiteko makina-makina nagusiak PLC eta transduktorearen kontrol automatikoko teknologia hartzen du automatizazio maila altua dutenak.
2. Olioa egiteko makina sistema dinamikoa transmisio ardatzarekiko lotura egonkorra da.
3. Grabitate mikro negatiboaren betetze printzipioak zehaztasuna areagotzen du.
4. Olio-makinaz hornitutako lubrifikazio automatikoko sistema aurreratuak eskuzko ahaleginik ez du eskatzen eta makinen bizitza-bizitza areagotzen du.
5. Olioa egiteko makinaren zarata txikia da eta makina orokorra oso erraza da.
Parametro teknikoak
Model | Garbitu buruak, buruak betetzeko eta estalkitzeko buruak | Ekoizpen ahalmena (orduko botilak 500 ml) | Aplikatu daitekeen botilen zehaztapenak (mm) | Motorearen potentzia nagusia (kw) |
VKPAK-14-12-5 | 14,12,5 | 4000BPH | 200ml-2500ml D = 55-110mm H = 150-310mm | 1.5 |
VKPAK 16-16-5 | 16,16,5 | 5500BPH | 2.2 | |
VKPAK 24-24-6 | 24,24,6 | 8000BPH | 2.2 | |
VKPAK32-32-8 | 32,32,8 | 10000BPH | 3 | |
VKPAK40-40-10 | 40,40,10 | 14000BPH | 5.5 | |
NAPCK50-50-12 | 50,50,12 | 17000BPH | 5.5 | |
VKPAK60-60-15 | 60,60,15 | 20000BPH | 7.5 | |
VKPAK72-72-18 | 72,72,18 | 25000BPH | 7.5 |
Mota: Betetzeko makina
Egoera: Berria
Aplikazioa: Olioa
Pakete mota: Botilak
Enbalatzeko materiala: Egurra
Kalifikazio automatikoa: automatikoa
Gidatutako Mota: Elektrikoa
Tentsioa: 380v
Potentzia: 7,5kw
Jatorrizko lekua: Shanghai, Txina (kontinentala)
Brand Name: VKPAK
Model Number: VKPAK32-32-8 New technology automatic oil filling machine, VKPAK32-32-8
Neurria (L * W * H): 4600x1800x2650mm
Pisua: 9000kg
Ziurtagiria: ISO, CE, SGS, ISO, CE, SGS
Saldu osteko zerbitzua: Atzerrian zerbitzuko makineria eskuragarri dauden ingeniariak
Izena: Olio betetzeko makina automatiko berria
Edukiera: 20000BPH
Motor-potentzia nagusia: 7,5kw
Aplikatzeko botila: D = 55-110mm H = 150-310mm
Bermea: 2 urte
Makinaren materiala: SUS304
Enbalatzea eta entrega
Paketearen xehetasunak:
Olio betetzeko makina automatikoarentzako zurezko estandar estandarra
Bidalketaren xehetasuna:
45 egun Teknologia Berria olio betetzeko makina automatikorako
Olio betetzeko makina automatikoko teknologia berriak
1. capacity:4000-25000BPH(500ml)
2. guarantee:2 years
3. high quality, good price
An 8000BPH (bottles per hour) automatic coconut oil filling machine line is a high-speed bottling system designed for the efficient and accurate filling of coconut oil into containers. This type of filling machine typically consists of several components, including an unscrambler, bottle washing machine, filling machine, capping machine, labeling machine, and packaging machine. The overall production line is designed to work together seamlessly to achieve a high rate of production while ensuring that the quality and accuracy of the fill is maintained.
The specific features and specifications of an 8000BPH coconut oil filling machine line may vary depending on the manufacturer and the intended application, but some common features include:
High-speed production: This type of machine is designed to fill containers at a high rate of speed, with the capability of filling up to 8000 bottles per hour.
Precision filling: A sophisticated control system and precise filling nozzle ensure that each bottle is filled to the exact volume specified, with minimal waste.
Adaptability: Many coconut oil filling machine lines are designed to be adaptable to different bottle sizes and shapes, allowing for easy changeover and minimal downtime.
Quality control: A variety of sensors and inspection systems are integrated into the production line to ensure that the filling and capping processes meet the necessary quality standards.
Ease of use: The machines in a coconut oil filling machine line are typically designed with user-friendly controls and intuitive operation, making them easy to set up and operate.
Overall, an 8000BPH automatic coconut oil filling machine line is a reliable and efficient solution for bottling coconut oil, with the capability of achieving high production rates while maintaining a high level of accuracy and quality control.